jueves, 18 de junio de 2009

Creativity from Ken Robinson

"Do Schools Kill Creativity" is a very interesting conference about the current methods of teaching in schools. Ken Robinson argues that we have been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers. I think that creativity is necessary and very important, but is too necessary to have basic knowledge of biology, mathematics, physics, history, etc. Creativity isn’t everything; we must start from a base of knowledge.

Creativity helps create new things, like art, ideas for business innovation in many fields, and in many cases helps to solve complex problems. I remember when I was in the secondary (in the INBA College), in math class, I resolved an exercise in a much shorter and easier way, but the teacher thought he was wrong. I reached the same result, but for another way, that's creativity. And not all teachers reward creativity because they have been trained like machines, respecting the rules and regulations, not trying to find new ways to make things easier. The education system today prepares people to the work world, for be a gear of the economic system, in which people don’t develop and trains their intelligence.

Is necessary to change the teaching methods on children in primary education, to achieve a comprehensive development of their cognitive abilities, and one way of achieving this according to Ken Robinson is to promote social interaction. That’s all today my friends. It was a very interesting video.

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