viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

Transantiago: Before and After

In general, I think that Transantiago is a system that started with serious problems. For example: frecuency, time of travel, number of bus stop, comfort, etc. But i can say that it’s very better then in the beginning, however there are some imperfections, especially in the frecuency.
In comparation with the pre-Transantiago system i can say that the current system is better, but this wasn’t so in the beginning. Moreover the Estate improved in the infrastructure of the streets and stop bus. In the other system had a bad infrastructure, The new system is better because has fixed bus stop…so the problem with the old system was that the drivers stopped where they wanted, whereas now is obligation stop when the people touch the ring. Moreover, in all the bus stops there is signs that show what bus should stop there.
In general my experience with the new system has been good, better tan the pre-transantiago system. The time of travels are shorter, the bus are bigger, and the most importante: now isn’t necessary pay the money of passage to the driver. Before, the people should pay in cash, whereas there is BIP Card.
The changes that i would apply to the Transantiago system are all in the frecuency. That is the principal problema. The GPS did’nt work.
That’s all for today my friends. I will write more in the next sesión.
Bye bye

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