viernes, 21 de agosto de 2009

Peru: a great country

Hi everibody!

A country I would like to visit is Peru. This is a great country…but I never to visited it. In Peru there are a lot of beatiful places, that are characterized by be very important arqueological sites, cultural sites, for example. Moreover, Peru is very know in the world for it’s food.

One of the more important things of Peru is that in it’s current territory were the Inca Empire. This was the stage where the Inca civilization reached its highest level of organization and strengthened its position as the largest pre-hispanic state in South America. It covered the surrounding Andean territories in the north to the Maule River, for the South, now areas of southern Colombia, through Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, to central Chile and northwest Argentina. Today, of all this, it conserved the city of El Cusco, in wich was developed the main activities of the Inca Empire. It’s architecture is very good conserved, and is one of the tutistics points more important of America now.

I would to do like in Peru a lot of things, and not only to visit El Cusco (specially Machu Pichu). Go every days to restaurant of typical food, etc.
Peru is a great country…visit it!!

That is all today.

Bye bye

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