viernes, 29 de mayo de 2009

The Best in my Field: Francisco Sabatini

Hello everybody!

Today I’m going to show the best in my field, the Social Anthropology. But the person that I want to present isn’t an anthropologist, is a urban sociologist. His name is Francisco Sabatini. He studied at the Catholic University, and has a Phd in Urban Planning from the University of California, in United States. He work as a professor at the Catholic University of Chile, where he worked in research and teaching. His areas of expertise are residential segregation, public participation and environmental conflicts, and urban planning. He has been advisor to the Minister of Housing and Urban Development of Chile and a member of the National Advisory Council for the Environment of Chile.

He is an expert, and has done a lot of studies on urban segregation, and for this reason i have read many books and articles of him. Currently he does an MA in Urban Studies at the Catholic University, and I would be there for that he gives classes to me. That would greatly increase the importance of my studies.

That’s all today.

1 comentario:

  1. Hey, I studied with Francisco at UCLA; We finished our PhDs at the same time. Glad to hear he is doing so well!
    Carlos Quandt
